Thursday, 22 February 2018

House Of Madness [The Mansion Of Madness/ The System Of Dr. Tarr And Professor Feather/ Dr. Tarr's Torture Dungeon/ Dr. Tarr's Pit Of Horrors]

As a doctor visting an insane asylum was greeted by guards who were clearly insane, I quickly surmised that the inmates had taken over the asylum and promptly nodded off, awakening intermittently to snatches of dialogue confirming my surmise and ever growing scenes of lunacy culminating in a man threatening to throw a turtle at somebody.


  1. Lots of commendable lunacy and nonsense, not so much torture. But certainly eye opening enough to make me want to seek out more by this director.

  2. Edgar Allan Poe reimagined as Mexican surrealism. Just as bizarre as you expect.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Not dull! Pretty great actually as well as bonkers. Probably deeply political.
