(Frightfest Day 3)
This should have been 'A Serbian Film' but some finger wagging moron in a suit stopped that from happening.
So instead we got this.
It takes an audacious verve to try and set an entire film in one location. It takes balls of cast iron to make that location a rudimentary coffin underground with a cast of one. And it takes pure talent to make it into an efficient thriller that holds you for every minute of its running time. So it was quite fortunate to discover that the people involved in making this appear to have more than a touch of all three.
I didn't realise A Serbian Film was an actual film - interesting article
An excellent short film stretched a tad too far to make it a feature film. There was still plenty to commend, it had a great atmosphere and an end that The Adjustment Bureau could have learnt from, but there was some utterly superluous threads. Possibly dampened a tad by the superior "man trapped in a single location" movie 127 hours.