Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Carefully replicates the joyous retardation of the original film, then builds upon it by intricately weaving in a generous flourish of total shit.


  1. As Mark Kermode would be the first to point out, you've got the title wrong here, it's officially just '4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer'.

    Makes you wonder what other cool films could be made.
    "3: The Magic Number".
    "1: What do you mean I'm not a prime number?"

  2. I would be the first to point out to Mark Kermode that due to the apparent titling confusion I've used the title that is on the theatrical release poster, and he should probably take this up with the people who promote the movie as this would suggest that they don't know what it's called either. Good thing there's people like Mark Kermode about.

    And 1 should be aware it's not a prime number due to a deficiency in its number of factors.

  3. Not a good sign when Hollywood can't even name movies properly.

    I'll date the rot back to Teenwolf Too, a completely meaningless pun. Look Who's Talking Too at least kind of made sense.

    The number 7 is not a good substitute for the letter v, David.

    Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula? Away. And. Fuck.

    What the hell does H20 even mean? It's not actually the 20th Halloween film is it? I think only Friday 13th is close to that number.

    GI Joe, you don't need a subtitle on the first film in a franchise. Especially when Cobra ISN'T EVEN IN IT! Still, cracking film.

    2 Fast 2 Furious I'll give a pass to - it works. And it's another cracking film. But now I'm all confused with the dropping of the definite article denoting part 4. Especially as The Final Destination has done precisely the opposite.

    Crazy, crazy times.
