Wednesday, 27 September 2023

The Wonderful Story Of Henry Sugar

Leans hard into its title in that it’s simply a narrated story and it’s wonderful. Anderson’s other Dahl adaptations are a treat too, not sure why all this wasn’t an anthology movie.

Monday, 25 September 2023

A Haunting In Venice

Did a good job at pretending to be a horror film at the start, did a better job of insisting it was a whodunnit movie by the end.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Till Death

An unnecessarily elaborate revenge thriller that begins with the enactor of the revenge shooting himself in the face which made me question why you would meticulously plan such a complex revenge scheme that you could never know the outcome of. But then I did have to watch his revenge play out and out of the two of us, I think he got off lightly.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Trilogy Of Terror

A superb anthology clearly influenced by both Bava’s Three Faces Of Fear and the litany of Amicus productions about at the time. So we start with an edgy tale, go into something with a psychological sting to its tale and then end with all the budget being spent on a monster that causes mayhem. King.

Cellar Dweller

All over the place and in too much of a rush to end, which is a shame because it’s great fun.

Il diavolo nella bottiglia [The Bottle Imp]

A Robert Louis Stevenson story presented in the style of the most woeful art student theatre troupe you could possibly imagine.

Monday, 18 September 2023


Presents itself as a fairly standard native American eco revenge flick, and is extremely enjoyable when watched as such. But then the penny drops that something else is going on and the whole thing elevates. Excellent movie.

Sunday, 10 September 2023

La mano indemoniata [The Possessed Hand]

Essentially a theatre play performed before a camera, complete with over emphasised acting flourishes and sets made of cardboard. Saved by being a neat little tale performed with gusto by the players.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Lokis, The Manuscript Of Professor Wittembach [Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha/ The Bear]

Understated to the point of being utterly lifeless and gruelling to endure.